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Speech Therapists

The speech therapists at Charles R. Drew Transition Center work with people who have a variety of speech-related disorders. These disorders can include the inability to produce certain sounds, speech rhythm and fluency problems, and voice disorders. Speech therapists' work involves assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of speech-related disorders.

Social Workers

The school social workers understand the challenges facing our students and they work hard to help them learn appropriate coping skills to handle a wide range of issues that include psychological, financial, health, interpersonal, and substance abuse problems.

Physical Therapy


At Charles R. Drew Transition Center, school-based physical therapy is provided as a support service to maximize a student’s gross-motor participation in the educational environment.

Occupational Therapy


Charles R. Drew Transition Center provides school-based occupational therapy.  We use purposeful activities to facilitate active participation in self maintenance, academic and vocational pursuits, as well as play/leisure activities that occur in the school environment.  Therapists utilize an array of methods, such as therapeutic activities, assistive technology, environmental modifications, and collaboration with parents, teachers and outside services.

Our Students

Charles R. Drew Transition Center services over 500 special-needs adults who have varying degrees of disability.  Our students are at different stages of development, but they share a common goal - to successfully transition from school to work so that they may become contributing members of society. The work skills that these students acquire will help them to meet this goal.

The Charles R. Drew Parent Resource Center has a wealth of information

that is helpful to parents and students.  

Click here to learn more.

Special Olympics


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